Fr Bob Writes – June 5, 2016

You may remember that after all the Masses on last year’s Pentecost Sunday, we distributed free copies of Matthew Kelly’s book Rediscovering Catholicism“.  I said at the time that we would be organizing home groups to meet to discuss that book.

If you remember this, you may have been asking :”What happened to that proposal?”

Well, what happened was that various people offered to be pioneers for such home groups and went into several weeks of training to prepare for this.

We have completed this process and now are ready to launch the home groups within the next few weeks.

On this weekend, you will see lists of those people who have agreed to open their homes up to discuss Rediscovering Catholicism ,together with their addresses and the day and time of the

week when they would be available to have the meeting in their homes.

You will be asked to consult these lists and decide which home group you would like to join (Don’t worry if you have mislaid your copy of “Rediscovering Catholicism“. We have plenty more copies free of charge!)

If you are desiring to grow in your understanding of the Catholic faith and to know why Catholicism is at the heart of our deepest longings and questionings, these home groups will be an excellent opportunity to explore such issues. Matthew Kelly is a gifted young writer , who explains the Catholic faith in the kind of language which makes it accessible to today’s world.

If you are unsure whether or not this is for you, why not just come along to one of the groups and see for yourself and then decide ?

We are aiming to begin the small groups in the week beginning June 19th .