Pope Francis-Inspired Prayer to the Holy Spirit
Once more I invoke You, Holy Spirit;
I implore You to come and renew your Church.
Open our cold hearts and shake up our lukewarm
And superficial spiritual existence.
Anoint us with Divine Love in renewed experience
Of our Salvation in the Crucified, Risen, and
Eucharistic Lord Jesus Christ dwelling within us.
Fashion in us a life transformed by the encounter
With our God’s presence, and thus set our hearts
ON FIRE with enthusiasm to go forth boldly to
Evangelize all peoples, full of your fervor, joy,
Generosity, courage, boundless love and great
Let us know experientially that Jesus walks with Us,
speaks to us, breathes with us, works with us,
And that He is really alive within us to cure the
Infinite sadness of the human race by the Infinite
Love of God the Father.
We ask You through the intercession of
Mary, Mother of the living Gospel, Wellspring
of Happiness for God’s little ones, and in the
Name of Jesus Himself, Our Lord and Saviour.