Fr Bob Writes – July 23, 2017

Fr Bob writes: “The Spirit himself intercedes for us with inexpressible groanings…” (Romans 8:26)

“Have you ever wanted to express some powerful emotion in your heart but just couldn’t find the words to do so?  Think on the many times you have expressed joy, sorrow, frustration or other emotions without words, bypassing the mental process of formulating thoughts into meaningful  words and phrases?  Hugs, tears, laughter, shouts, cheers, sobs and groans expressed what was within your heart far more effectively than words could ever do.

It is said that, during times of private prayer, Pope John Paul II could often be heard emitting low groans.  Whatever he was placing before God at the time, he was bypassing words and letting the Spirit bring his prayer directly before the Lord.  St Paul describes such communications in today’s second reading as “inexpressible groanings.”  It is from the heart rather than the intellect that the most profound prayers proceed. Often wordless, they are emotive expressions which other people may not understand but God understands perfectly.”

(thanks to Fr Denny Dempsey for the above comments)