Fr Bob Writes – April 15, 2018

How was Jesus’ resurrected body different from that same body prior to the resurrection?  In paragraph 646, the Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that:  “Christ’s resurrection was not a return to earthly life” as was the case with the daughter of Jairus, the widow’s son at Nain, and Lazarus, who would all die again.  “In his risen body, he (Christ) passes from the state of death to another life beyond time and space.”

Paul’s letter to the Philippians (2:6-7) tells us that the son of God “emptied himself ” of the divine attributes (all knowing, unlimited in time and space, etc), while retaining the divine nature, taking on our human nature with its limited attributes.  In the resurrection, the divine attributes, which the Son had voluntarily set aside, were returned in a “glorified body.”

During those days following his resurrection, Jesus “weaned” the apostles off their dependence on him being physically present.  He appeared to them only for brief visits.  On at least three instances, he had a different appearance and voice than what they were used to.  With the Ascension and coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, the disciples would come to understand that Jesus was still present with them but in a less limited way in which they had known his presence before.  One most important way in which he would be present to them would be in the eucharist.  As our gospel this weekend tells us, his disciples recognized him “in the breaking of the bread.