Every journey has a measure of the unknown. This was true of Christ as he moved toward Jerusalem (Luke 9:51- gospel for this Sunday). It is true of every Christian who accepts the radical call and who, as Paul states, makes his journey as the “Spirit walk”. Every day of our life presents new challenges, new problems of faith, new moral choices. There is great force in Luke’s statement about Jesus: “he set his face” for Jerusalem. One thinks of a finely chiseled face of stone, with head erect, and steely eyes looking directly forward. It all speaks one word: commitment.
In the face of the unknown, Christ never wavered. Our age has many difficulties with commitment. Great hesitation surrounds any life commitment. Those which are made are regularly broken. Judging the situation of others is not ours to do. But it is a regrettable fact of our times. True love does not shrink from commitment. To opt for God in our life is a very important choice. How reassuring it is when we know people who remain strong and firm in that Christian decision throughout life. If there is one thing we need today, it is a witness of stability. And when we find it, it is a great inspiration.