Fr. Bob Writes – December 1, 2019

The First Sunday of Advent marks the beginning of another liturgical year.  Advent affords us the opportunity to reflect on the longing and hope that preceded Christ’s birth, just as it beckons us to look forward to Christ’s return at history’s end.  In keeping with the season’s note of expectation, today’s readings are of one piece in riveting our attention on the inbreaking of God in human history.

The passage from Isaiah in our first reading looks to a much desired peace and universal accord for a Judah under siege.  The gospel reading comes from an era in the early church when Christ’s return was strongly anticipated and preparedness was repeatedly counseled.  Paul’s exhortation to alertness in our second reading complements the gospel as it highlights the extent to which Christian moral posture actually rests on future hope.

Happy Advent, everyone!!