Register for Masses this week: Saturday, December 12, Sunday December 13, Monday December 14 and Tuesday December 15

For the next number of weeks, in order to keep to the limits identified by the province, we are asking parishioners to register for the mass of your choice by clicking the Mass time below. Please feel free to share this information. One registration can be done per family – just indicate the number of seats you will need (include babies and children who will attend with you). We regret that once all the seats are spoken for, we cannot make more seats available. Click on the following links to the Mass of your choice:

4:30 pm Saturday December 12 (St Philips)

9am Sunday December 13 (St Clares) – click this link to see how to register

10:30am Sunday December 13 (St Philips) – IF this is sold out, watch the live-stream from the Hall – reserve your seat with the link just below this one.

Watch 10:30am Mass in St Philips Hall – Watch the Live-stream from the church hall

12:30pm Sunday December 13 (St Philips) – Charismatic Mass with the Lift Jesus Higher Community) – Register at the door – first come, first seated

7pm Monday Dece,ber 14 – Register at the door – first come, first seated

7pm Tuesday December 15 (St Clares) – Register at the door – first come, first seated