Changes Made to Parish Website!

Hello everybody!

We have made some changes to the Parish website, hoping that these changes will make it easy for parishioners and other individuals to quickly access three key pieces of information: WATCH MASS (online via YouTube), ATTEND MASS (by registering online), and DONATE (online or through e-transfer).

Clicking on the WATCH MASS image will take you directly to the parishes’ YouTube Channel, where you will find our live-streamed Mass (when Mass is taking place) as well as recordings of our previous Masses. Because all of the Masses are available through the YouTube channel, we will no longer be posting links to each respective Mass on the parish website. For even quicker access to our Masses, you can bookmark the Parishes’ YouTube channel, or subscribe to it in your YouTube app.

Clicking on the ATTEND MASS image will take you directly to the registration page where you can select the Mass you want to attend, and register online via the EventBrite link contained in this page. This page will be updated regularly with the registration links for our Masses.

Clicking on the DONATE image will take you to a page containing information on how you donate to the parishes, whether it’s online using, in-person during Mass, or by signing up for the parish’s pre-authorized payment service.