Donations During Lock-Down

The parish is very appreciative of the donations we receive. Right now (due to the ‘stay-at-home’ mandate) it is very difficult for us to deposit cash and cheques. We sincerely request that you consider one of the following electronic options:

  1. E-Transfers from your bank – Set up an e-transfer from your bank’s online banking website, and email us to Please ensure to include your parish ‘Donation Envelope’ number (if you have one) and your full name and mailing address. You will receive a tax receipt from the parish in February the following year. Need some help with setting this up? Call your bank or the parish office for some assistance. It’s quick and easy!
  2. Donations through – Click here: to make your secure donation to St. Philip Parish or St. Clare Mission using your MasterCard or VISA. Donations made through this service are subject to a 4% transaction charge that is withheld by, and the net amount is then remitted to the parish. It is understandable that many prefer not to incur a service charge; but we see it as a necessary ‘insurance’ during these COVID times … it protects our parish’s finances, as well as the health of those who would have to count and deposit money. will issue a tax receipt upon processing the donation.
  3. Please consider donating by ‘Pre-Authorized Payments’ until things return to normal. You can start next month and end any time you want … just give us a month’s notice. Click here for more details and to download the form.