Breaking News

Sacraments of First Communion, First Reconciliation and Confirmation for the 2024-2025 School Year

First Communion and First Reconciliation -If your student is in Grade 2 (or if your student is in a higher grade and missed the sacrament over the past few years), we invite both parents and students to attend our registration meeting on  Wednesday, September 25th from 6:30-7:15 pm in the St. Philip Parish Hall (127 Burke Street, Richmond). Parents wishing for their student (s) to participate in this sacrament are asked to attend this session to find out more about the program and obtain information about how to officially register for the Sacraments of First Communion and First Reconciliation. Students are encouraged to attend the session with parents. Pre-register BY 4PM ON TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 24TH to attend the September 25th meeting by completing this Google form:

Register for the meeting here:

Full information here about the First Communion / First Reconciliation program.

Confirmation – If your student is in Grade 6 (or if your student is in a higher grade and missed the sacrament over the past few years), we invite both parents and students to attend our registration meeting on  Wednesday, September 25th from 7:30-8:30pm in the St. Philip Parish Hall (127 Burke Street, Richmond). Parents wishing for their student (s) to participate in this sacrament are asked to attend this session to find out more about the program and obtain information about how to officially register for the Confirmation program. Students are encouraged to attend the session with parents. Pre-register BY 4PM ON TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 24TH to attend the September 25th meeting by completing this Google form:

Register for the meeting here:

Click here for full details about the Confirmation program.

Cancellations June 3-23

As Fr Bob will be away, please note the following cancellations:

1) First Friday Mass Cancelled on June 7th . Join us July 5th at 6:30pm for the next ‘First Friday’ Mass.

2) Monday and Tuesday Evening Masses –there will be no Monday or Tuesday evening Masses at St Philips or St Clares on June 3 & 4, June 10 & 11 and June 17 & 18.  Evening Masses will resume June 24 & 25

3) We have replacements priests for all the weekend Masses with the exception of Saturday, June 22nd, 4:30pm at St Philips. In the event that we cannot find a priest to say this Mass, Deacon Louis will celebrate a Liturgy of the Word and the Eucharist will be available.

A Message From Fr. Bob Poole Concerning the Fire at St. Philip Parish – February 15, 2024

Please see below a message from Fr. Bob Poole concerning yesterday’s fire at St. Philip Parish:

“By now, I am sure that you have heard the distressing news about the fire that broke out last night at St Philip’s church. Ironically, yesterday was Ash Wednesday, and an hour earlier we had just been receiving ashes on our foreheads during Mass at the church!

The good news is that no-one was injured, the church was empty and locked up after the 7pm Mass had ended. Also, the early raising of the alarm by someone passing by the church who noticed the fire breaking out, and the prompt action on the part of the fire crews, meant that the fire damage was contained to the bell tower. Unfortunately, the neon cross on the top of the tower fell down, and other debris had to be cleared from the tower as a result of the fire, but the main body of the church was undamaged apart from some water falling down onto the balcony and into the lobby from the tower.

We are still awaiting official notice as to the cause of the fire, but it looks for now as if some electrical fault in the wire leading up to the cross is responsible. At the moment, we are concentrating on cleaning up the debris from the blaze. My thanks to the Knights for volunteering their service to help with the clean-up, and to all those who reached out to express their loving concern and promise of prayers and offers of help. Thanks also to St Philip School for the offer of the use of their premises for our liturgies. Also, to the ministers of the Richmond ministerial group for reaching out to us.

We are intending to resume full services in the church very soon, once we are able.Read more...

Registering Children for the Sacraments of First Communion, First Reconciliation and Confirmation

Please save Wednesday September 27th!  – Registration Night for First Communion, First Reconciliation and Confirmation in the 2023-2024 School Year:

Grade 2 students – Registration for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion

We invite you to attend our registration meeting (this will be the only registration night offered) on Wednesday, September 27th from 6:30-7:30pm in the St. Philip Parish Hall at 127 Burke Street. Parents wishing for their child(ren) to participate in these sacraments are asked to attend this session to find out more about the program and obtain information about how to register. The children are also welcome to attend the session. Please pre-register to attend this event by completing this Google form

If your child is in a higher grade and missed the sacrament over the past few years, they are still invited to participate. For more information, please attend the meeting on September 27th.

For more information, please contact the St. Philip Church office at

Grade 6 students – Registration for the Sacrament of Confirmation – We invite you to attend our registration meeting (this will be the only registration night offered) on Wednesday, September 27th from 7:30-8:30pm in the St. Philip Parish Hall at 127 Burke Street. Parents wishing for their child(ren) to participate in this sacrament are asked to attend this session to find out more about the program and obtain information about how to register. The children are also welcome to attend the session. Please pre-register to attend this event by completing this Google form

If your child is in a higher grade and missed the sacrament over the past few years, they are still invited to participate. For more information, please attend the meeting on September 27th.

For more information, contact the St. Philip Church office at welcomehome1819@gmail.comRead more...

2022 Tax Receipts Now Available

Tax Receipts (which have been available for pickup at the back of St Philips and St Clares since February 18th) have now been mailed out through the post office. Should you wish to have your tax receipt emailed to you, email the office and we will do our best to turn these around within 3 business days (office is open Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9am to 1:30pm). Please give us as much notice as possible.

If you have not already done so, kindly pick up your box of 2023 donation envelopes – many remain at the back of the church. Use of your assigned box helps us greatly to ensure your tax receipt is correct. Thank you.

Parish to Live-stream Only Sunday Masses during Summer Months

As stated in this weekend’s bulletin (June 25-26, 2022), due to a shortage of live-stream ministry volunteers and to allow our remaining volunteers some time off during the summer, St. Philip Parish will not be live-streaming Saturday evening Masses, effective immediately and through to Labour Day weekend. We plan to return to live-streaming Saturday evening Masses beginning on Saturday, September 10, 2022. Additionally, we will not be live-streaming the Sunday Mass on Sunday, July 31, 2022.

Anybody interested in joining the livestream ministry is encouraged to contact the Parish Office.

We thank all of the live-stream ministry volunteers, both past and currently, for their dedication to this ministry, and for their service to the parish community. We wish them all a relaxing and healthy summer season.