Online Masses

Both Weekend Masses to be Live-Streamed on YouTube

On October 17th, St. Philip Parish and St. Clare Mission “turned on” its new live-streaming equipment and began broadcasting its weekend Masses out onto the Internet.

Since that time, several parishioners have volunteered to join the Live Steam Ministry to help bring our Masses to those who, for whatever reason, cannot be present at one of our weekend Masses.

We are very fortunate that because of these new volunteers, we are able to live-stream both Saturday evening Mass and Sunday morning Mass onto YouTube! Saturday evening Mass at St. Philip Parish will be live-streamed to YouTube (going on-air around 4:20-25pm), and Sunday morning Mass at St. Philip Parish will be live-streamed (going on-air around 10:20-25am).

For those parishioners who require closed-captioning, the Saturday evening Mass will remain available for viewing/participating on Sunday (as it takes YouTube about twelve hours to process the Saturday evening Mass and the closed captioning). Unfortunately, it does not appear closed captioning can be done in real-time during the live-stream of the Mass.

Please visit the parishes’ YouTube Channel to view the live-stream of the Mass (when it’s taking place) and to view previous Masses held at St. Philip Parish.

Have a comment to make regarding our live-streaming? Want to pass along a compliment? Think a tweak is needed to make it a better “virtual Mass”? Please send an email to! We are always looking for ways to improve the Mass experience for those who are unable to join us in person.

A Message from Fr. Bob

After Mass on the Feast of Corpus Christi, Fr. Bob Poole stood up and addressed the communities of St. Philip Parish, St. Clare Mission and Lift Jesus Higher on how he plans on moving forward with the reopening of the parishes now that the Archdiocese has issued its worship guidelines.