General Parish News

Parish Retreat – Saturday, Nov 4th, 9am – noon.

 Theme is “Martha and Mary.” Fr Bob will lead this retreat. All parishioners of St Philip and St Clare are welcome.  Schedule: Mass 9am at St Philip. Retreat follows in St Philip’s Hall 9:45 to noon.  Refreshments provided (coffee, tea, muffins).  No charge for the Retreat.  We will welcome voluntary offerings to our toonie jar, which will be donated to the Richmond Food Bank.

October 6th Deadline to Register Children for Sacraments of Confirmation, First Communion and Reconciliation

A reminder for parents wishing the sacraments of Confirmation, First Communion and First Reconciliation for their children –  A link was sent out to you by email on Thursday September 28th.  If you did not receive the link, please email the office at Deadline to register your child is next Friday, October 6th at 5pm.  We regret we cannot extend this deadline.

No Livestream from St Philips the Weekend of September 2-3

We regret that there will be no livestream from St Philips on Labour Day weekend (September 2-3). We invite you to watch the livestream from Holy Redeemer Parish: Click here to watch livestream through FACEBOOK  or watch livestream through YOUTUBE. You can also watch the ‘Sunday TV Mass’ at:

St. Philip Parish’s Livestream Ministry will continue to livestream the Saturday evening Masses. These Masses will remain up for viewing until the end of the day Sunday. Click the link above to view.