Knights of Columbus

Last Updated on September 19, 2023

Table of Contents for This Page

Who Are The Knights of Columbus?
The Knights of Columbus Worldwide
The Benefits of Being a Knight
St. Philip and St. Claire Council #11825 History
Council Activities
How We Use Our Funds
Knights News
A Message From Our Grand Knight John Evans

Who Are the Knights of Columbus? (return to top)

The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic service organization founded in 1882 by Father Michael McGivney in New Haven, Connecticut. His goal was simple – to help provide for their families in time of need.  His idea grew quickly, becoming an order of Catholic men, and their families, dedicated to promoting the concepts of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism.

The Knights of Columbus Worldwide (return to top)

The Knights of Columbus has grown from several members in one council to more than 14,000 councils and 1.8 million members throughout the United States, Canada, the Philippines, Mexico, Poland, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Panama, the Bahamas, the Virgin Islands, Cuba, Guatemala, Guam, Saipan, Lithuania, Ukraine, and South Korea.

The Benefits of Being a Knight (return to top)

Being a Knight is about helping others and enjoying the company of brother Knights and their families. The most important benefit is the joyous feeling that you and your family get when you make a positive difference in the lives of others.

The Knights of Columbus now ranks in the top 5% of life insurance companies in North America.  This strength enables first class insurance coverage for its members and the ability to financially support numerous large projects consistent with the Order’s aims.

Other benefits include a free accidental death policy for member/spouse, access to  scholarships or bursaries for dependants, beneficial rates for RRSP, RIF, GIC and the availability of Long Term Care insurance.

St. Philip and St. Claire Council #11825 History (return to top)

Prior to 1996, some members of our parish were active Knights at Holy Redeemer Council in Kanata. Eventually, brother Knight Dan Downey formed a St. Philip Round Table. Simply stated, a Round Table was a group of Knights who all came together to support their Parish. It has no administrative structure and is affiliated with a “Parent” Council (Holy Redeemer).

Thanks to the efforts of brother Knight Dan Downey, St. Philip’s Council 11825 was granted its Charter on June 26, 1996. At formation, Council membership was just over 30 members. Over the last 10 years, there has been a real push for recruitment. Currently, our Council has about 80 members.

Council Activities (return to top)

The Council General Business Meeting takes place on the second Tuesday of each month, except during July and August.  As a Knight, you decide your own level of participation in council activities.  Naturally, some involvement is expected and appreciated. In support of the Church you could be assisting with the minor maintenance around the Church, ushering, readings, the Stations of the Cross in Lent etc. For our parish Community you could be involved in our annual Santa Lunch, BBQ’s for St. Philips or Sacred Heart schools, one of our social events, etc.  For the larger community you could help collect food donations for the Food bank or sell Roses for Life to support the pro-life cause. Under our efforts to support Youth, you could help children compete in the K of C Basketball Free Throw. We also involve our Youth in many of our events. This allows students to accumulate “community service hours” for high school and also builds strong relationships with our youth.  Our Council Program is intended to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood among council members. We cannot overstate the value of the camaraderie and fellowship as a result of working and serving together.

How We Use Our Funds (return to top)

In addition to providing financial donations to St. Philip Parish, the Council also raises funds to donate annually to worthwhile charitable causes such as Seminarians, Richmond Food Bank, Arthritis Society, Action Life, Miriam Centre etc.

Knights News (return to top)

Parishioners can read up on the Council’s latest news items as well as past items by checking out the Knights of Columbus News section of the parish website.

A Message from our Grand Knight John Evans (return to top)

Quite simply, being a Knight is about helping others and enjoying the company of brother Knights and their families. It is also an opportunity to make a positive difference in the lives of others. We are involved in many areas In support of the Church, our Schools and the greater Community. We are dedicated to promoting the concepts of CHARITY, UNITY, FRATERNITY and PATRIOTISM.

Understandably, many of us don’t have much free time with our busy schedules. THIS IS OK. We recognize this and want to stress that any involvement is appreciated. Finally, we are delighted to welcome new members. Please consider membership with the Knights.

For more information concerning joining the Knights of Columbus please contact:

John Evans, Grand Knight